Course curriculum

    1. Success Academy Welcome Message

    2. Complete the survey before continuing with the course

    1. Lesson Plan: Why Entrepreneurship?

    2. Slide Deck: Why Entrepreneurship?

    3. Workbook: Why Entrepreneurship?

    1. Lesson Plan: Before Your Business Comes You

    2. Slide Deck: Before Your Business Comes You

    3. Workbook: Before Your Business Comes You

    4. Module 2: Personal SWOT

    1. Lesson Plan: It All Starts With Problems

    2. Slide Deck: It All Starts With Problems.pptx

    3. Workbook: It All Starts With Problems

    1. Lesson Plan: Purpose Before Profit

    2. Slide Deck: Purpose Before Profit

    3. Workbook: Purpose Before Profit

    1. Lesson Plan: Creativity and Generating Ideas

    2. Slide Deck: Creativity and Generating Ideas

    3. Workbook: Creativity and Generating Ideas

About this course

  • Free
  • 45 lessons

Discover your potential, starting today